Out of Office Auto-Responder

We’re leaving on vacation this Friday and I’m prepping to be “out of office” for 10 days. What I find I’m struggling with is my auto-responder for my email. I want people to know I will be away not because I won’t be reading their messages or even responding, but because I won’t have access to my work laptop or to my personal laptop even, so while I can read emails and be in touch, I can’t actually do much about them. So really, I need an auto-response along these lines:

I am on vacation from March 16 to 25. I will have intermittent access to email only and can begrudgingly respond when appropriate.

Because really, even if I try not to check my work emails, I know I will. I’ll probably even feel a hint of sadness if no urgent, WE NEED YOU AND ONLY YOU emails are awaiting me.

When searching for the best wording for vacation notices, I found a post from a marketing dude who claims he hasn’t truly been away since the year 2000.

Since then, because of said device and others like it, I’ve been “out of the office,” “on vacation,” “incommunicado” even…but never really “away.“  Since that late spring day at the turn of the millennium, requests, responsibilities, cries for attention and/or calls for action have followed me everywhere.

Because of that, I’ve never been one to lay down one of those “Out of Office” auto-replies, because I knew what everyone else knew–it was a lie.

So sadly true.

He goes on to share an example from a co-worker of a badass auto-responder that I only wish I could copy!

Thanks for  the note – I’m currently off email until 4/26. So in order to not have a bazillion emails (yes, this is a scientific number, I counted) when I return – your message has been deleted.

But have no fear — if you need an immediate response, please email my Rock Star assistant, Chasity –chasity@maverickbusinessinsider.com or just shoot me a note after April 26th.

However, if you really need something urgently – text my cell phone or try bribing Chasity to find me. (I hear she likes chocolate!)



But since I don’t have an assistant, since I probably won’t have a bazillion emails within 10 days, and because, honestly, a massive inbox validates my existence, I’ll just have to save this example in my back pocket for another lifetime.

So while I’m saving that badass vacation notice, I have been inspired enough to man-up and NOT CHECK WORK EMAIL during my ten-day vacation. IpromiseIpromiseIpromiseIpromise. And I’ll craft a vacation notice that is honest and to the point. #babysteps

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