Jammin’ with PB&Jam

See what I did there?!

I often lament the fact that my toddler has not yet developed a taste for combined food. Everything is separated and eaten on its own. Sometimes there’s even a mini-meltdown if items are touching. I long for the days of sandwiches… and I think those days have finally arrived!

Recently I decided I may have better luck buying plain, doughy, soft bread and spreading only a thin amount of spread inside. This, or a few more months of aging, has worked!

But just in case, I stacked the deck in my favour by singing “Peaaaanut, peanut butter. JELLY! Peaaaaaanut, peanut butter, JELLY!” as I prepared his meal. You know the song, don’t you? Well after a while of singing this, I wondered if I could find the real song to play while we ate. I couldn’t. But found this gem instead:



Check out the song we’re listening to here.

He finished the apple sauce shortly after taking this pic.
He finished the apple sauce shortly after taking this pic. Big win!

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